MTS Home Roller


Home Rolling benefits to the skin

  • Rebuilds deep wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improves the overall texture and therefore the appearance of the skin
  • Can repair UV damage (pigmentation) and in the form of redness or capillary network damage by strengthening the collagen surrounding the capillaries (making them less obvious)
  • Increases epidermal density & strength (improving the health of the skin)
  • Rebuilds Hyper pigmentation caused by trauma, scarring and acne scarring.
Category: SKU: N/A


MTS Home Rolling

Home rolling involves the use of a hand-held MTS roller device that holds 200 fine surgical stainless steal needles, when rolled over the skin in different directions the needles create small micro channels in the top layers of the epidermis. This stimulates the ‘would healing’ response amongst the cells in the epidermis and therefore stimulates tissue repair, regeneration and skin rejuvenation. Fresh collagen, growth factors and elastin fibres are laid down as the skin rebuilds a new layer. Treatment involves an MTS Roller with needles that range from 0.2mm-0.3mm